We can’t expect a 4 year old to sit in a therapy office and verbally explain why they are angry, sad, excited or scared. Even adults struggle to find words to express themselves at times. That’s where play therapy comes in.
Jessica uses a combination of directive and nondirective play therapy techniques. Garry Landreth, states “Toys are children’s words and play is their language”.

Sometimes children need someone other than their parents to confide in. Jessica offers supportive, solution focused therapy with children and teenagers.
Common issues addressed include anxiety, depression, interpersonal struggles, and parent/child relationship problems.
After the therapeutic relationship has been established coping strategies are taught to the client and his or her parent/caregiver, who can reinforce these strategies at home.

Unfortunately children do not come with an owner's manual. Parenting can be challenging and difficult to do on your own. Jessica implements parenting strategies that combine relationship building between parent and child and behavior modification. Specific modalities include Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT).

Zero to Three defines Infant Mental Health as "the developing capacity of the child from birth to 5 years of age to form close and secure adult and peer relationships; experience, manage, and express a full range of emotions; and explore the environment and learn-all in the context of family, community, and culture."

The New Beginnings Program is a 10 week parenting program for parents who are divorced or separated. The goal of the program is to build relationship between parent and child, keep children out of the middle of inter parental conflict, and establish effective discipline strategies.